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From research initiatives to student life and Tar Heel traditions, check out what’s going on at Carolina.
Carolina is preparing its students to serve as global leaders while making a better world through global research and service.
In 2024, Carolina celebrated research milestones, centennials, national championships and more.
The 1,811 graduating Tar Heels had the chance at Winter Commencement on Dec. 15 to celebrate their achievements and all that went into earning a degree during their time in Chapel Hill.
Years of hard work will come to fruition Dec. 15 as 1,811 graduates will have degrees conferred at Carolina's Winter Commencement ceremony.
At Carolina, we strive to give our students the knowledge, resources and confidence to succeed. That mission can’t be carried out without the expertise, leadership and mentorship of our outstanding Tar Heel educators.
Carolina is dedicated to providing the best support and resources to veterans, who make up a vital part of our campus.
Whether it be in North Carolina communities or ones overseas, Tar Heels are researching ways to make a difference and tackle our toughest challenges. Learn more about UNC-Chapel Hill’s research enterprise
Every day, Tar Heels are creating a positive impact on the world by improving communities and inspiring change through their extraordinary talents.